Tuesday 26 June 2007

French at school

Just thinking of all the years spent learning French at school, in hind sight, the teaching of an HTML equivalent would have been much handier than been able to order coffee on the rare occasion that I venture over to France. I am now up to my neck in books on HTML, CSS, DHTML, XML, SQL, PHP, Actionscript, Applets, Apache, Linux, Javascript.....to name a few! 'Teach yourself HTML in ten minutes' was the title of the last one. Took me that long to read the first page and let it sink in...only 300 pages to go...300 x 10 = 3000 minutes. I make that just over two days if I don't stop to eat, sleep and.....

Monday 25 June 2007

Monday 18 June 2007

Sorry for any delay

Sorry for any delay in emails and getting the image side of the site up and running, but have been in Yorkshire this week. Just been talking to someone up there who is opening a Naturist Massage place, running on the same lines as in St Albans. She should be up and running end of July. I will keep you informed of the progress.

Sunday 3 June 2007

Massage Workshops

Have you ever wanted to know how to relax? How to ease away the stress of modern living, of travelling, or difficulties in the workplace? We all have far too little time for ourselves. It is a fact that in the UK we work longer hours, have fewer holidays and suffer from the ill effects of pressure in our family lives. There is a way to help. Aromatherapy and massage can be vital tools in our fight to regain good health, sound sleep and satisfying sexuality. You owe it to yourself!

Antonio is a well-qualified mentor and leader of many massage workshops involving one to one tuition as well as group sessions. He is a Member of the Institute of Traditional Herbal Medicine and Aromatherapy, the International Institute of Holistic Therapies. A member of the Register of Qualified Aromatherapists, and a member of the International Institute of Registered Massage Therapists. He has many years of practical experience in the field of complementary therapies, and he is a regular practitioner in Aromatherapy, Massage, Reflexology, and Acupressure.
A series of special hands-on courses have been designed to allow the layperson the opportunity of trying out the benefits of massage and related therapies, here is your chance to spend time away from home or work pressure. In an unhurried atmosphere of peace and calm you will learn about relaxation, the calming effects of aromatic oils, how to regain control of your life, and to have fun at the same time. You will be working with Antonio and two Masseuses, hopefully on the day you will be able to learn new skills, whilst working together with a small group of like-minded individuals.
These workshops are open to any individual, these single day events concentrate on providing an introduction to the subject. You will be able to have direct hands-on tuition, but there is necessarily less time available for theoretical study. A light lunch is included.


A Naturist massage is not a style / type of massage. Naturism is a lifestyle, I have practiced naturism, the naturist lifestyle for many years. My first encounter with nudism / naturism was at a naturist club in Kent called Eureka, Mark was running the naturist club at the time, I had a really enjoyable introduction to naturism...and have been a follower and a leader on some occasions of the UK naturist movement ever since

The naturist massage workshops we offer have an holistic approach, meaning the massages are not just physical, they are deeper, incorporating the mind, body and spirit...

There are limited places on these naturist massage workshops, please book early